
Who We Are
We are a Lay Association in the Catholic Church, invited by Blessed Alberione to collaborate in the mission 1) to extend Pauline charism to the whole Church and in the whole human reality, and 2) to extend the light of the Gospel of Jesus into wider horizons, through the modern means of social communication.

Our Mission/Apostolate
To offer to men and women of our time, to families, to the youth, to teenagers and children, the greatest gift: Jesus Christ and his Gospel.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bible Mission To Carles, Iloilo

In line with its “Bibliya sa Kada Pamilya” program, the Pauline Family in Iloilo City went on a Bible Mission to the Sta. Teresa De Avila Parish in Carles, Iloilo last February 9, 2019.  The mission group, led by Fr. Jerome Palma, ssp and Sr. Reajoy San Luis, fsp, is composed of Sr Maricor Mercurio, fsp, Dawn Sotelo, Vee Ramirez, and Pauline Cooperators Regine Areno, Sit Sumayo, Haide Soliva, Susan Diamante, and Fleur Mallada.  The mission had the full support of Fr. Joel Rudi, parish priest of Carles, who arranged mission logistics in Carles.

Carles is the northernmost town of the province of Iloilo, about 142 km from the capital, Iloilo City, and includes fourteen islands and islets.  Some of these islands are too remote that priests are only able to visit one Sunday in a month to celebrate the Holy Mass.  These islands are divided into barangays, most with their own chapel and a chapel coordinator.  Fr. Rudi had the chapel coordinators select worthy parishioners from their barangays to receive Bibles.  The group distributed 132 Hiligaynon Bibles and daily scripture reading guides to parishioners so that they will have access to the Word of God at any given time.

The group left Iloilo City the day before the mission, as it takes 3 hours by land and another 1.5 hours by boat to reach the mission site.  Mission site was Gigantes Norte Island.  Fr. Rudi asked Bible recipients from other island barangays to converge in this island, at the Granada National High School gym. 

Mission day, February 9, started early for the group.  They were at the venue at 7 am to set-up the Bible altar as well as the screen and projector.  The chapel coordinators and youth volunteers from the Isla Gigantes Choir helped in the physical arrangement of the venue.  Registration started at 8 am.  The Isla Gigantes Choir also led the participants in energizer activities. 

The actual mission started with a Bible Enthronement rite, which included a Bible being brought to the altar in procession and Fr. Jerome reading a gospel passage.  Fr. Jerome then blessed all the Bibles.  These Bibles, with daily scripture reading guides, were then given to the parishioners.

Fr. Jerome then gave a spirited Bible Animation.  He introduced the Bible, the books of the Old and the New Testament, and imparted other biblical knowledge.

Lectio Divina followed.  Participants were divided into groups of 10, where they continued to learn how to use the daily scripture reading guides, how to look up passages in the bible, and the prayers before and after the reading of scripture.  Emphasis was placed on the repeated slow reading of Bible passages and to meditate on the Word of God.  Several participants shared personal reflections on what they just read as well as life stories of faith and healing.  They were appreciative of receiving the Bibles, especially the youth participants who showed eagerness to learn because religion is not taught in local public schools.  

The mission culminated with the handing out of a Promise certificate, wherein each recipient pledges 5-10 minutes each day to read and reflect on the Word of God, and a community lunch.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Upcoming FSP General Council Visits To Iloilo

The Pauline Family in Iloilo City is excited to welcome the FSP Superior General and a member of the FSP General Council in the next two weeks.  Both are travelling from Rome, Italy and are visiting several FSP Houses in the Philippines.

Superior General Sr Anna Maria Parenzan, pictured below, guides the Congregation in such a way as to enable it to carry out its mission of proclaiming the Gospel through mass communications.  She is expected to arrive in Iloilo on February 27, 2016 and expected to stay until March 1, 2016.  Read more about Sr Anna Maria on this link: Sr Anna Maria Bio 

Sr Anna Caiazza is the General Councilor for the Apostolate - Lay Collaborators.  She will be in Iloilo from February 20 to 23, 2016.

APC members are invited to their respective welcome dinners on February 21 (for Sr Anna) and February 28 (for Sr Anna Maria), both starting at 630pm and at the DSP Convent in Jaro, Iloilo City.  Practice for our presentation for Sr Anna Maria's welcome dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 23, at 6pm, also at the DSP Convent.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Advent Recollection and Other Upcoming Events

Advent Recollection
December 6 Sunday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
Resource Speaker and Mass Celebrant: Fr Joenick Territorio
     Recollection begins with prayers at 8am
     Resource speaker at 2pm

*Last day of collection of Christmas Cash Gift for orphanage in San Jose, Antique (minimum of P300/person)
*Please bring lunch to share and registration fee for speaker

Book Display
November 15 Sunday
St Clement's Church, La Paz, Iloilo City

Feast Of Blessed James Alberione
November 26 Thursday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
630am Mass, followed by breakfast
*Please bring breakfast to share

Christmas Party
December 27 Sunday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
*Please bring snacks to share and gifts to exchange. Exchange gift minimum is P300 and recycled gifts are encouraged.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Novena for the Feast of Jesus Master, Way, Truth, and Life: Oct 16 - 24, 2015

In preparation for the Feast of Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life on October 25, 2015, novena prayers will be held at the DSP Convent House in Jaro, Iloilo City every day from October 16 to October 24 at 530pm.  Your presence will be much appreciated!


Friday, September 25, 2015

APC-FSP Iloilo Formation Seminar

1.  Self-Awareness (with activity)
2.  APC Apostolate
3.  Organization of APC
4.  Summary of APC
5.  Relationship With God - the meaning and role of God in our lives
6.  Baptism - the meaning of our baptism in Christ

Resource Speaker:  Sr Tim Villaram, FSP
Date and Time:  October 10-11 2015 (Sat and Sun), 830am
Location:  FSP Convent, Jaro, Iloilo City

APC-FSP Bible Seminar - September 12-13, 2015

Sr Monina Baybay, FSP, gave a two-day formation seminar on the Holy Bible to the current batch of APC-FSP Iloilo aspirants.  The seminar was held at the FSP Convent in Jaro, Iloilo City last September 12 and 13, 2015.

What is the Bible?  According to Sr Monina, it contains God's plan.

Sr Monina imparting knowledge on the Bible.

She started with a general introduction on how to approach the Bible: 1) accept the Bible as God's word, 2) acknowledge that the Bible's purpose is to lead us to salvation, 3) read and pray the Bible, 4) study the Bible, and, most important, 5) live the Word.

She gave a detailed lecture on the historical background of the bible, matching Old Testament readings with the factual history of the Jewish nation, and on the organization and development of the Bible, how it goes from the revelation event, the oral tradition, its writing, and later editing. 
She reiterated this lecture in the second half of the seminar when she focused on the Gospels, giving its historical and literary backgrounds.

She also discussed the unity between the Old and New Testaments, how the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

She ended the seminar by sharing tips to understanding the Word of God: 1) interpret the Bible in light of its historical, geographical, and cultural background, 2) know the purpose of the writer, his circumstances and audience, 3) recognize the form of literature and interpret accordingly, and 4) study the Bible in light of the whole biblical teaching.

The APC-FSP attendees with Sr Monina, Sr Rosangela, and Sr Tim.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bibliya Sa Bawat Pamilya at San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish, Dapdap, Tigbauan - 5 September 2015

As part of the Bibliya Sa Bawat Pamilya (Bible In Every Home) project of the Daughters of St Paul to celebrate their 75 years of service in the Philippines, the Sisters, aided by Pauline Cooperators, held bible animation, distribution, and catechism at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish in Brgy Dapdap, Tigbauan, Iloilo last September 5, 2015.

"May They Be One" Bibles, bible guides and Katesismo booklets were distributed to more than 100 recipients parishioners.  The event was capped by a Mass led by parish priest Fr Roy Britania.