
Who We Are
We are a Lay Association in the Catholic Church, invited by Blessed Alberione to collaborate in the mission 1) to extend Pauline charism to the whole Church and in the whole human reality, and 2) to extend the light of the Gospel of Jesus into wider horizons, through the modern means of social communication.

Our Mission/Apostolate
To offer to men and women of our time, to families, to the youth, to teenagers and children, the greatest gift: Jesus Christ and his Gospel.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Advent Recollection and Other Upcoming Events

Advent Recollection
December 6 Sunday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
Resource Speaker and Mass Celebrant: Fr Joenick Territorio
     Recollection begins with prayers at 8am
     Resource speaker at 2pm

*Last day of collection of Christmas Cash Gift for orphanage in San Jose, Antique (minimum of P300/person)
*Please bring lunch to share and registration fee for speaker

Book Display
November 15 Sunday
St Clement's Church, La Paz, Iloilo City

Feast Of Blessed James Alberione
November 26 Thursday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
630am Mass, followed by breakfast
*Please bring breakfast to share

Christmas Party
December 27 Sunday
DSP Convent House, Jaro, Iloilo City
*Please bring snacks to share and gifts to exchange. Exchange gift minimum is P300 and recycled gifts are encouraged.

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