
Who We Are
We are a Lay Association in the Catholic Church, invited by Blessed Alberione to collaborate in the mission 1) to extend Pauline charism to the whole Church and in the whole human reality, and 2) to extend the light of the Gospel of Jesus into wider horizons, through the modern means of social communication.

Our Mission/Apostolate
To offer to men and women of our time, to families, to the youth, to teenagers and children, the greatest gift: Jesus Christ and his Gospel.

Friday, September 25, 2015

APC-FSP Bible Seminar - September 12-13, 2015

Sr Monina Baybay, FSP, gave a two-day formation seminar on the Holy Bible to the current batch of APC-FSP Iloilo aspirants.  The seminar was held at the FSP Convent in Jaro, Iloilo City last September 12 and 13, 2015.

What is the Bible?  According to Sr Monina, it contains God's plan.

Sr Monina imparting knowledge on the Bible.

She started with a general introduction on how to approach the Bible: 1) accept the Bible as God's word, 2) acknowledge that the Bible's purpose is to lead us to salvation, 3) read and pray the Bible, 4) study the Bible, and, most important, 5) live the Word.

She gave a detailed lecture on the historical background of the bible, matching Old Testament readings with the factual history of the Jewish nation, and on the organization and development of the Bible, how it goes from the revelation event, the oral tradition, its writing, and later editing. 
She reiterated this lecture in the second half of the seminar when she focused on the Gospels, giving its historical and literary backgrounds.

She also discussed the unity between the Old and New Testaments, how the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

She ended the seminar by sharing tips to understanding the Word of God: 1) interpret the Bible in light of its historical, geographical, and cultural background, 2) know the purpose of the writer, his circumstances and audience, 3) recognize the form of literature and interpret accordingly, and 4) study the Bible in light of the whole biblical teaching.

The APC-FSP attendees with Sr Monina, Sr Rosangela, and Sr Tim.

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