
Who We Are
We are a Lay Association in the Catholic Church, invited by Blessed Alberione to collaborate in the mission 1) to extend Pauline charism to the whole Church and in the whole human reality, and 2) to extend the light of the Gospel of Jesus into wider horizons, through the modern means of social communication.

Our Mission/Apostolate
To offer to men and women of our time, to families, to the youth, to teenagers and children, the greatest gift: Jesus Christ and his Gospel.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Novena for the Feast of Jesus Master, Way, Truth, and Life: Oct 16 - 24, 2015

In preparation for the Feast of Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life on October 25, 2015, novena prayers will be held at the DSP Convent House in Jaro, Iloilo City every day from October 16 to October 24 at 530pm.  Your presence will be much appreciated!


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